December 3, 2016
by Moshe
People ask themselves: what has really happened? What will happen to us since Trump elected? I believe nothing REALLY bad hasn’t happened, since the end of the primaries.
Obama’s landmarks. No any doubt both candidates were better than person who was 2nd (after Carter) openly anti-American president. Just to remind, see two following references:Roanoke, VA, 2012 speech: declaration of hate to Business: so, USA could reasonably to look forward to recover a little bit; Cairo 2009 speech, encouraging “Moslem brothers” to act
The campaign was dirty and extremely unpleasant but it’s over already; end of hostilities after elections depends on Democrats more than on republican Donald Trump already urged his supporters to stop , I hope Democrats will follow his pattern soon to stop left radicals shocking protests against elections outcomes (!).
The winner looks for you unpleasant and he is not man of principles, of values, he is pragmatic (I hate it) but all his bad promises will be hard to keep w/o support of the Congress, there most of republicans not love him, to put it mildly, and not so loyal to him
All good things he promised (at Convention and in Gettysburg Address, in the Contract with America ) he (because he is ‘pragmatic’), probably, will not execute (While I wish to be wrong about his qualities, of course). with few probable exemptions – see the “Contract” “Actions to protect American workers” (5) and (6) – there is really strong interests behind these promises so it would be easier for Trump to keep it; US oil extraction and export will weaken our enemies, will weaken our home special interests dreaming to redistribute gas rent, so it is good for USA and it is good for Israel even more;
Both, USA and Israel have escaped some very bad things as a result of the elections.
1. Compare the most probable pattern for new SCOTUS judge nominee under Hillary (sort of candidate for the seat of the Giant – seat of Antonin Scalia!) and here is Trumps’ list: it make a huge difference
2. For Israel: Can you imagine Trump avoiding to visit potential contributor because of mezuzah at his door? ; see also on Clintons’ contributors .
3. Further erosion of 1st Amendment Rights; progress in establishment of militant atheism and militant Islam as governmental, officially approved religions and persecution of Christians (as “white privilege”, as discriminating “Historically excluded groups” etc); probably, promotion of restriction on the political campaigns’ financing (Axelrod ideas development of Campaign financing reform ) and discrimination against conservative NGOs (IRS case like ).
4. Further erosion of 2nd Amendment right (Democrats promised further tighten legislation for gun owners and traders – see “Preventing Gun Violence” p. 39 of Dems’ Platform 2016 )
5. For Business. Clinton would for sure encourage further escalation jihad on “discrimination”, EEOC power and activities expansion etc – see and Trump – simply not (Cruz would destroy EEOC, Trump, unfortunately will not).
The outcomes of the November 8 elections means the US Universities radicalization ugly process suffered heavy blow (at least moral) and opportunity to stop it appears; see following links for example ( ; the principal link: database of 1st Amendment rights in the campuses across US: ); November, 8 means half of America told to radicals: “We are hate you too and we have a way to stop you”
On Trump personality again, I’m sure you aren’t take seriously comparisons ‘Trump he is like Hitler’? The people chanting this nonsense surely aren’t going to emigrate as they promised before the elections, and they aren’t heroes, believe me. I hope you understand, that the “arguments” like “he can start WWIII” are totally irrelevant. Trump definitely not mad, he is not man of bad values or man of the good values, he is sly guy, pragmatic, so we should afraid his compromises not his real actions; just to remind – nor Brezhnev, not Mao hadn’t started WWIII and, surely, they hadn’t even idea to do so really.
BTW, Trump already have got a lot of proposals (from Alan Dershowitz, for example) which means: “Now, be reasonable, betray your voters ASAP!” and I’m afraid Trump will do it in many things; (for comparison – British prime-minister Edward Heath did the same and Margaret Thatcher hadn’t – see The lady’s not for turning (and here is the transcript).
Worst things Trump could cause for Israel depends on us more than depends on Trump himself – see the logic (not may be this very specific case) in Moshe Feiglin’s comment: