Shomron Center for Economic Policy Research

In Search for an efficient Institutions

Costs of Lockdowns in Israel – new article in “Inquiry”


The paper just published in INQUIRY: Cost-Effectiveness Threshold for Healthcare: Justification and Quantification. The material is basically a little bit boring. Do not miss the Appendix (counting lost Life Years as a result of lockdowns imposed on us by the Government here in Israel). While the link provided in the text doesn’t work properly use the following link to the Appendix.

The paper challenges governmental intervention in cases of “medical events” (disasters, pandemics, and the like). These interventions have a price measured in human life lost (and this point is not new at all). So, governmental emergency intervention is targeted to protect human lives and break normal routine lives, harming incomes and thus shortening human lives. So the emergency intervention ought to be justified by proven harm prevented. We had developed not so complicated procedure of counting minimal thresholds justifying the possibility of intervention. We counted the human life price (about 500 thousand normal quality life years) of lockdowns imposed on Israeli people in 2020.

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