Norwegian public TV journalists turned to be victims of “asylum -seekers”-burglars. After all, journalists concluded, that they deserved their troubles. Some could say that a morons! Some could say – it about emotions, not about rational behavior.
The public TV is a classical example of the project run by a State, which “… designs to promote happiness”, not “simply to prevent evil” (see Humboldt W.). So, Public TV is socialist on very essence of this idea. To promote more spending, more discretion is equally good both for civilian bureaucrats (say officials, caring about asylum-seekers) and for public TV management.
Norwegian “public” journalists proved to be so “sensitive”, demonstrating their “anti-racism”, most probable, to prove their loyalty to the corporative needs and interests. So these journalists’ behavior is “just a business, nothing personal” (for more cases and arguments see the books’ Introduction and Chapter 2; Policy Advice).
To break “to promote happiness” by means public TV would mean that current ruling coalition in the Norway (Conservatives and Progress parties) – it is about classical liberal (conservative, politically speaking) policy, not just about conservative (classical liberal) phraseology. Privatization and licence free entrance to the media market is the key precondition for classical liberal economic reforms’ success.