Institutional Constraints on Modern Economic Growth
How the Import of Modern Western Institutions Suppresses Economic Growth: 1990-ties East-West and West-East Transition
Chapter 3 “Modern Robbers: Special Interests Groups and Economic Growth Slowdown”
Chapter 4: New and Old Stimuli for Open Robbery
Chapter 5: Effectiveness and Quality of the Financial Market Institutions
Chapter 6: Rental Incomes: The of Resource Curse and the Corruption of the Electorate
Chapter 8: Authoritarianism and Chinese “success story” Concerning Certain Features of Chinese Economic Growth
Chapter 9: Modern Anti-Capitalist Ideologies
Chapter 10: Democracy abridged
Chapter 11: Crisis of the Institution of the Family: Causes of the Illness and Its Remedies
Chapter 12: “Old Testament” Morality and the “Traditional” Family
Chapter 13: Restoring a Taxpayer’s Democracy
Summary and Conclusions
English by Elen Rochlin