Shomron Center for Economic Policy Research

In Search for an efficient Institutions

April 1, 2012
by Moshe

2011 Summer Pogroms in England

A little bit old, but still important News:

Welfare, lasted for generations, disarmed Police, multiculturalism, “new citizen” (no more responsibility, no 2-nd Amendment Right, a lot of governmental care); to blend thoroughly… This  is a prescription how to cook a pretty good pogrom.

At the same time, the prescription’s components list coincides with the principal issues analyzed in depth in our book.

British journalists worthful coverage and assessment:

1.  Melanie Phillips   Britain’s liberal intelligentsia has smashed virtually every social value

2. Max Hastings “Years of liberal dogma have spawned a generation of amoral, uneducated, welfare dependent, brutalised youngsters”   Last updated at 12:49 PM on 10th August 2011

March 30, 2012
by Moshe

New York Times: to explain leftists’ domination in US Academia to forgive it

We have focused in the issue in the 2-nd Chapter of our book. We sent the reader to the Lichter – Rothman study (Lichter S.R. The Vanishing Conservative — Is There a Glass Ceiling?) see

or in paperback:  The Politically Correct University Problems, Scope, and Reforms / Ed. By Fr.M. Hess, R. Maranto, R.E. Redding. AEI Press (September 2009).

BTW NYT presents own coverage of the same issue.

The article references is the Fosse, Gross et al studies on the Graduate admission process and Political liberalism and Graduate school attendance .

In the first paper authors denied significant dependency of the application process and mentioned activities of 2008 Obama (McCain) campaign.

In the latter paper authors found liberal shift explained it by conservative graduates’ less desire to join and activities dominated by liberals, to start the academic career as the Academy already overpopulated by the leftists.