Shomron Center for Economic Policy Research

In Search for an efficient Institutions

How to make electorate informed: natural way vs. artificial way


There is old, reliable  well tested way to keep voter well informed. To enfranchise taxpayer only and his incentives to keep government accountable will make him well informed soon.

Our Canadian colleagues is searching a way to inform well “first nation” voters heavily depended on budget finance (“Aboriginal issues and spending per First Nations person in Canada rose more than 880 per cent over the past 60 years. In comparison spending per person on all Canadians rose by 387 per cent.”). They pointed out the cases of misuse of governmental money by the bands’ chiefs.  The author of the post – Ravina Bains expresses hope one could introduce new transparency standard for the First Nations which would deliver information about the spending to the bands of Indians, etc preventing Chief’s waste of federal money and more than generous salaries for these budget – extorting activities.

The problem is, the principal incentives of the band is the same as the band’s chief: to extort more money from the Government. The Chief, efficiently leading his band in this rent-extortion would be supported irrespective of his spending quality till the band gets “it fair share”.

Just stop waste federal money, create encouraging taxation and leave people (“First” and all the rest) alone – they will earn money. Provide taxation – representation legal framework, make Chief depended on local taxpayers funded budget, natural incentives would make voter well informed and the chiefs – accountable.


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