Shomron Center for Economic Policy Research

In Search for an efficient Institutions

Are Term limits for Congress the best way to ‘drain the Swamp’?


This section is part of Chapter IV, “Modern Conservatism in Old Democracies,” from the upcoming book “To the Conservative (or Free Man) at the Crossroads: Notes on Poorly Learned Lessons.” It follows the paragraph “The Top of the Federal Bureaucracy in the Mirror of Voting.” All source references not in footnotes can be found in the book’s reference list, available in the downloadable manuscript (in Russian). This text examines the popular idea of limiting congressional re-elections, championed by D. Trump, and compares it to an alternative approach for “draining the swamp” – reestablishing voters’ control over federal Civil Service and drastically reducing the size and power of federal bureaucracy. To be clear, this discussion does not condone abstaining from voting or supporting parties that promote a Hamas-friendly version of socialism, as exemplified by K. Harris-T. Walz. These political forces must be opposed. Rather, the focus is on what reforms might help restore lost freedoms and responsibilities to US citizens.

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